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And, operate as such. I appreciate you! A need to take action - Where youve been sitting back unsure or unmotivated, once ascension begins youll likely feel the need to move and be active along your path. Make sense? Associated body parts:Upper abdomen, middle back/ spine, rib cage, liver, gallbladder, spleen, kidney, small intestines, stomach, digestive functions, metabolism, pancreas, adrenals; Sense of Sight. That we are made up of energy and can focus that energy as we choose. See more ideas about ascension symptoms, ascension, symptoms. These physical glands are connected with the third eye and crown chakra. Strange burning, tingling, itching or crawling sensations that may show up in various places of the body, most commonly the head and feet. The next time I saw him, he said that he did indeed feel calmer, and that when the alarms go off, he knows theyre just alarms. *Headaches. We live in a Left Brain society, where little importance is given to the activities and functions of the Right Brain, starting from School and continuing into Adult life. Associated Body Parts: Coccyx, spine, lower back, rectum, legs and feet, bones, intenstines, digestive system, sexual and adrenal glands; Sense of Smell. Dream and dance, paint and write, see the patterns and the magic in all things. 5. The most common symptoms of ear pressure include: Feeling of and/or discomfort in the ear. This makes ascension symptoms easier to recognise, assimilate and ultimately master. All choice is with you. Action moves lethargy. It can also be described as a feeling of discomfort, stuffiness, or fullness. 2. Look after yourself by focusing on what you love. For the outer energy layers of our body bring information down into the physical body to shift and change it to match our outer layers of creation and perception. ascension flu flu-like body aches and pains but you don't get "sick" like with typical physical flu; . Ground yourself by breathing up through your feet. If youre feeling pressure in your head, remember that you arent alone. His mother expressed that he was calmer, is able to concentrate better, and is getting better grades. If your ears are in fact healthy and clear of infection or debris, a likely cause of this pressure is the muscles of your jaw. When these glands are fully open, activated and functioning at the highest level, one experiences many spiritual benefits such as an increase in intuition and vision, and a slowing of the aging process. And as such, a wave and ever-increasing movement of change (an ascension) has been building upon Earth. Vivid dreams - This goes hand-in-hand with OBES and waking up in the early hours. In our planetary culture, we have been very out of balance, with the Left Brain being strongly activated and the Right Brain not. Throughout the ascension process, and especially during times of accelerated change, with surges of high vibrational light frequency, you may experience certain ascension symptoms. Follow. Is this for real? By its nature, the term ascension implies rising up and when we apply it to our spiritual growth, it takes on the mantle of a developing awareness that both facilitates and accelerates the expansion of consciousness. Channeled Light. Represents: Universal Life Force Energy; Consciousness, Spirituality, Inspiration; Spiritual Insight; Unity; Oneness with the Universe; Divinity; Self-Realization, Enlightenment Here you will find the most recent updates on my adventures as an urban Licensed Acupuncturist Reiki Master/Teacher, and Medicine Woman in New York City, as well as wellness tips to soothe the soul, live more vibrantly, and cultivate wholeness and balance. Now that I have received my Reiki attunement for Master Level, I have so many of these symptoms, including a high pitched ringing in my right ear and my old body fighting my real body Years ago I became closer to my actual spirituality and noticeably seemed to be reverse aging people think I am much younger than 43 I also feel there has been a shift especially since the psndemic and a real war of sorts in the heavens over it. Your personality is over-thinking and over-processing potential problems and solutions. It can be sporadic and irregular or constant and very regular in equal regard. . Symptoms Without a Diagnosis - The New Language of Energy There is a lot going on inside of you. So, sometimes, releasing our pain on the deep energetic level can take some time. If you are experiencing crown chakra pain, its important to relax and meditate. Ive created an effective Guided Meditation just for Recalibrating Your Body. Your ear (s) feels like it has an unusual amount of pressure in it, but there is no reason for it. OBES - conscious outer body experiences - This can occur when you awaken early in the morning (and then go back to sleep), between 2.00 am - 4.00am. That maybe I am dealing with illness. Youre being guided to change your ways, to focus more in the moment and not get distracted by many things at once. If you feel pressure in your head, it is a good idea to drink plenty of water and rest. AS YOUR OUTER BODY LAYERS GROW AND ACTIVATE - YOUR PHYSICAL BODY CHANGESAnd because of this higher awareness (of 5D) that so many are opening up to, theyre experiencing very real changes to their physical body, as a result. Our vibrational frequency heightens, and we realize that we are unlimited beings. It doesnt hurt and is random (this is not the same as tinnitus). Using Kinesiology to Relieve Aches & Pains Such physical irritations and cleansing usually clear up as you let go and as, powerful planetary influences pass. Stomach irritation and irregular bowel movements - As old energy and lower vibration moves though your physical body, you could notice that you let go with increased movement in your stomach and bowels. These lower periods are the 'assimilation' periods. By performing chakra healing meditation it can help you regain that balance so that you are not holding back any of your characteristics [Read More], Energy flows into and out of chakras which use it to energize the body's meridians (or energetic blood stream). See my recent blog post on this. Lately the ringing has been extreme. Physical Symptoms: Lower back pain, issues with large intestines, spleen, gallbladder, urinary problems, kidney stones, prostate problems, gynecological problems, iregular menstrual cycles, PMS, cramps, frigid, lack of sexual desire, urinary tract infections, STD's, sterility, impotence, infertility, sexual disorders, miscarriages; sexual addictions, addictions to junk food, overeating; hormonal imbalances; loss of appetite, issues with toungue/poor sense of taste. Small tubes called eustachian tubes regulate the pressure in your middle ear. Greater empathy and compassion - As you deepen your ascension process the energy centre of your heart will expand and create a greater field of compassion around your physical body. The answer is no! Meditating, taking up yoga or healing arts - This goes hand-in-hand with a change in diet and all of the other ascension symptoms. Represents: Life Force Centre, Inner Authority, Self Control, Power, Will; The Mental Self Indeed, now that a 5D energy template is fully operational around Earth, its easier than ever to trust in and use your telepathic and psychic skills. Its not a lie, its just that you havent tapped into the wholeness of multi-dimensional reality. Indeed, these are but some of the symptoms of 5D ascension and your rising awareness of expanded consciousness. Ascension Symptoms in Others; This has been very interesting to observe. Crown Chakra Clearing/Cleansing/Releasing/Opening: If you are, you just may be experiencing symptoms of ascension! Youre receptive to hearing the voice of soul. This can take some time to be achieved. For indeed, when youre aware of and working with your spiritual reality (the fifth dimension of light) you accept change as being a fundamental foundation of spirit - of who you are. You get a headache, a stomachache, joint pain, dizziness, or any of the other common ascension symptoms (including but not limited to): pain behind the eyes. these become markers, serving to wake-you up and point you in the direction of higher consciousness. If you do not, energy can become stuck and cause painful muscles and joints. And because this is so widespread, even if you do not feel it yourself, you may feel it coming off other people in their interactions with you. I remember back in the mid-90s (when I first woke-up) one of the first practices I was intuitively guided towards was becoming vegetarian - which I did, even though it wasnt that popular 25 years ago. Physical Symptoms: Stomach ailments, ulcers, diabetes, pancreatitis, colon diseases, digestive and intestinal disorders, indigestion, food allergies, anorexia, Feeling sudden sparks, pokes, stings or electrical shocks of energy at various points around your body. Then go about your day and wait for further instructions to drop into your awareness - as they will. The pressure will usually go away after a few days. Ascension is an entirely natural evolutionary process at work in the universe One great cosmic cycle completed and thrust us all into preparation for the fourth and fifth dimensional reality to come online. When you experience a headache in the third eye region, it is often a sign that your spiritual abilities are awakening. Even when you try to treat them, you dont get any benefit, and your medical reports would turn out normal. Feeling of fullness or stuffiness in your ear. It can signify that you are about to receive some important spiritual information. I suggest that you implement your ideas - one at time. Sore neck (in the C2-C3 area) 8. You may even feel some relief. Shifting friendships and rifts can grow within families - This goes hand-in-hand with relationship shifts and changes. Recommended :25 Strange Symptoms People Are Experiencing Worldwide. It is a common symptom of energetic growth. I liken it to the spiritual fire of soul waking up within you and burning away illusion, bringing in energetic truths. Associated body parts: Pelvis, reproductive/sexual organs, genitals; hips, lower back, bladder, kidneys, bodily fluids; large intestine, lymphatic system, pancreas; sensuality; Sense of Taste. This is my list (in no particular order) of OVER 43 common ascension symptoms that I have seen in my work and what you can do to address them: Headaches, migraines - fuzzy head - your brain is forming new neural pathways. Relationship problems, faithlessness, uncommitted, distrustful, detached, unforgiving, intolerance, lack of compassion, hopelessness, heartache, grief, lack of joy, apathy, feeling isolated, self hatred, frequent crying, neediness/clinginess, suffocating others in loving and giving, lack of independence, naiveity. To know if you are, you will either have a sense that this is happening, particularly if it is happening outside of any medical diagnosis, and youre also noticing a heightening of intuitive abilities. Focus on the feelings in your dreams, They tell you everything. But, over the past 20 years that energy has shifted ever higher, as our entire solar system has been flooded in light, which has raised the vibration on Earth through the 4D level (where time seemingly morphs) to the level of 5D (having an awareness that you are an energy being experiencing physical life). And hence, you may not even remember (at a glance) what you did this morning - by lunch time today. Spiritual Flu - This can be a combination of many of the physical symptoms listed. Whats the pot of gold at the end of it all? Experiencing any pressure around the forehead or back of the head may be due to the opening of the pituitary and pineal glands as they absorb more light and energy. A very unusual but related ascension symptom side effect is that hair and nails may start growing at a faster rate; damage related to the 'hair or nails' may be repaired at a more rapid pace than normal. Drink lots of water and rest during major cosmic events. It will only make things harder on yourself. Its during sleep that the release valve on your day is set off.